Sunday, January 7, 2007

I need my time

Isn't it funny that when our husbands travel, we wish they were home? But then, when they're home for longer than a weekend, we realize there are some benefits to being a weekend wife.
I love my husband dearly, but when he's away, I have my routine. The messes I clean up are my own, I set the agenda for the television, I can monopolize the computer. I get everything done I need to for me, and when he's home on the weekend I'm ready to play. He's been working from home for a few months and it's becoming hard to get things done for myself. For instance, a trip to the mall today was abbreviated today because the Eagles were playing at 4:30. When I know I have the week to run the errands I missed out on, I don't care. But today I did because I haven't had a chance to do things I need to during the week. I know having him home is a gift and it's only a matter of time before he's back on the road. Because of that, during the week I try to enjoy every dinner together I can, every night in front of the TV watching our favorite shows.
Occasionally he'll have a night where he goes rockclimbing or out with a friend, and I look forward to these nights so much. The time to myself is back - except I am realizing I use those nights to go grocery shopping or do something for the household. I need to do a much better job of reserving those nights for myself, in the same way he's making time for himself.

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