I met my husband in 2001 while working in Tennessee as a TV reporter. I was at the beginning of a two-year job contract and he was just starting his career as a consultant in Philadelphia.
Our long distance relationship began and lasted for three years before I was
able to move up to Philadelphia. Although we solved our geography issue, we were still left with the reality of his job which requires him to travel. Typically, he leaves on Sunday night and returns Thursday night or Friday morning. It's a crazy arrangement, but we figured things out as we went along and have a pretty good system.
Early on in our relationship I went to the book store to find a self help book for women whose husbands travel. I could not believe that nothing exists. After we finally married in April 2006 and I became an offical Weekend Wife, I decided that it was time to do something. I've spent the last year trying to get The Weekend Wives Club published. So far, publishers love the idea, but don't think the market is big enough.
Together, we're going to prove them wrong. It's time Weekend Wives are recognized as key parts of many American marriages.
What an inspired idea! My husband and I have been married for 21 years and his job involves a lot of travel... I think you are right that it is time for a book to help those of us who live with the 'live for the weekend' mentality (when our husbands are back home)...
Years ago, my aunt jokingly said that my uncle used to travel a lot and now she would look at him and say "Don't you have somewhere to go"!? I was aghast! -- I thought 'God forbid I should ever feel that way about John', and, to this date, I never have... But I do understand, also, that you get into your own routine when you are by yourself (i.e. I try not to watch too many of the chick flick type of shows that I have taped on the DVR when he is home - though he enjoys some of them, too...!).
Good luck with your project ~ It sounds like a winner to me...
Thank you smp for your words of encouragement. It always helps so much to hear of other women who have the same feelings I do. I love my husband more than I ever thought possible, but I think our relationship is helped by the fact we each get some "me" time.
hi again,
I am honored to be your first comment -- I must admit, I am not exactly computer savvy and I had to sign up to be able to 'blog' you the other night -- but I am glad that my friend Patti told me about your site. I guess your challenge is to get the word out about your blog and your book project (have you tried to get local news and newspapers to cover it yet?). I think it is a worthy subject.
Just the other day, John had to 'break' the news to me about his rather hectic upcoming travel schedule -- While, thankfully, he will be back home in time for my birthday, it is never fun to learn that he will have to be away on the occasional Saturday or Sunday (since weekends are sacred!). One thing that I don't think we fully appreciate is how hard it is on our guys: not just the travel and the work, but the TELLING us about the travel (since they know it will bum us out - unless it's the aunt I told you about who would probably say "great!")...
I am not a big traveler (more of a homebody), but I may join him on his next big trip because it will be easier to go with him than to be apart again so soon...
Well, the weekend is here (hooray!)-- John and I always try to have "Date Night" on Saturdays: we go to church and then we come home for pizza and a movie... Every now and again we 'give up' a Saturday for other plans, but we try to preserve that sacred time to be together... Blessed are we.
Enjoy your time with your hubby, WW -- and thanks for giving voice to other weekend wives...
I met my fiance in 2000, but we didn't actually become a couple 2003. We have been living together since 2004, and we are planning our wedding for March of 2008. Sometimes I can't believe we are planning a wedding because there were so many times along the way that I said to myself "this just cannot work" (because of his schedule). But, I have to say, he is fantastic about "trying" to make things as good for me as they can be.
Like one of my biggest issues when I first moved from Boston to Las Vegas to be with him was that I was out of my comfort zone. I came from a place where everyone knows their neighbors and extended families either live togther or no more than an hour away. But, now I knew no one and I didn't know where things were like the police station and I felt unsafe, just in general. I was certain that someone was going to break in in the middle of the night and murder me and no one would find me until he showed up a few weeks later. Sorry, I watch alot of Lifetime movies.
Anyway, to "help" my fiance had an alarn system installed and bought me a dog (that barks!). I spent a lot of sleepless nights. but after almost 3 years...I am proud to say that I can now lock the doors, set the alarm, and go to sleep. I still leave all the lights on, but I'm getting there.
Just wish things were different! I would take him over his big paycheck any day!
If you made the book regional I think it would have a bigger market. It needs to be fun and liberating and not a hand wringing whoa is me story. There are many productive things we can do when we are with friends or alone. Filtering all the information and putting it in a book or manual according to location would be a great idea, I can't imagine a publisher wouldn't give it a go. Maybe you should try a small publishing house or self-publish?
Eileen -
You've got some good ideas. I'm actually in the process of submitting it to smaller publishers and my other thought is trying to self publish or publish an E-book I can sell on Ebay. I've heard of people have success that way.
This is genius!! :) I'm going to add this to my daily readings...
My husband travels every other week so I'm only halfway in the club.
Looking forward to it!
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