Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Time for My Stuff

I don't know about you guys, but when my husband is home, I have a horrible time getting things done I need to get done. Between trying to spend time with him, and help him with a few things, there's little time left for things I need to do. I guess just need to make time, but in my mind, I think - "well, I can do that after he leaves."

The end result is that on the nights he's gone, I'm squeezing in a lot of little things in I need to do. My personality is I have to get the "need to" things done before I do the "want to" things. By the time I'm done all of my obligations, I rarely have time left. I know I need to work on this. My husband is incredibly good at goofing off even when there's stuff left to do. And to his credit, things are always done eventually, when they absolutely have to be. Not sure if this is a gender things, or personality trait.

Anyway - does anyone have the same problem?

*the picture is one we took a couple years ago in Warsaw, Poland.

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