Hey Ladies -
As I'm developing the concept of A Weekend Wives Club, I'm basing my direction on what I need as a "weekend wife." But I'm wondering, what do you need? Many of you have been so great to write and express relief at not being alone in your situation. But what do you need from this blog? Are there issues you'd specifically like to see addressed? In a perfect world, I'd have this set up like other chat sites with forums and profiles, etc. But I'm not a web guru, so this is what I have for now.
I'm asking because it seems like traffic has been slow on the blog recently, and I'm wondering if there's something you're missing. My goal for the blog was really to encourage many to write in their thoughts and feelings about things. I think that's the best way to advance our "cause" as weekend wives and create a network in which we help eachother. Reading my blogging on about my life only has to get old eventually, and I'd much rather include your thoughts and experiences.
Anyway - that's what's on my mind tonight - trying to get this thing moving and shaking - and I can't do it without you!
I found your site a while ago and I check it periodically.
I am not a weekend wife, but sometime I feel like it when my husband is at school.
He's in Law school 50 miles away so at times, I don't see him until after I've gone to bed.
In the future, his job will require a lot of travel so I'm getting ready...
Anyway, I found an interesting article I thought I'd share.
I need help! I'm in a relationship with an amazing guy! He's been wonderful with the weekend relationship, calls frequently, texts often, and emails when he can! We have a book called "1000 questions for couples" and ask eachother questions. He still says he wants our relationship to move forward. I don't know how to make that happen!
As you are in a good relationship, how do I make it move forward 3 days a week? What things did you do to make your life complete with him? Does he have any advice? We've only been together 5 months, and he's traveled since we've met. I've gone with him several times and it's fabulous! I want this to work!
Ann Marie - If you guys get along and he has the qualities you're looking for - stick with it. My husband traveled from the beginning when we met as well. It was an odd beginning. There weren't really any traditional dates where we just went out to dinner. Instead it was "I have a plane ticket for you - fly to Jacksonville" or whatever. To top it off, we didn't even live in the same city on the weekends. Looking back, it seems crazy, but it worked. And you know what - we're such great communicators with eachother. If this is "the one" you will have a stronger relationship because of this experience.
A few things that helped us .... some times we would watch TV together over the phone. That made us feel more connected during the week. The periodic phone calls and emails during the day helped too. And we just made the most of the weekends we were together. You will find that now you're in what we called "vacation mode". Every weekend is a fun time. At some point, the vacation mode will end, and I'll be honest, that was an adjustment for us. Realizing that at some point you have to accept life responsibilities was interesting.
One thing you have to consider and accept - this may be your permanent relationship. My husband was upfront when we met - he said this is my career - basically take it or leave it. So when we got together, I had to accept that we would have a 72 hour a week marriage. If this is serious, you'll have to think about this - whether you can work this way. Thousands of us do and eventually I've gotten used to having my space during the week.
That's my advice in a nutshell - but I feel for ya girl. It's tough and I've been through it. Please feel free to write more questions and maybe others can chime in.
Advice, that's what I need from this. I'm 20 years old and soon to be a weekend wife. We are engaged and recently bought our first home.
We don't "live together"...exactly. I keep the house during the week, he gets it on the weekends when I go to my parents house. I know to most this souns nuts, but we don't believe in living together before marriage and my parents would probably pull their portion (which is most) of our wedding fund.
Anyway, I'm new to the weekend wife thing and have discovered it is totally different than being the weekend girlfriend.
I've been a weekend wife for almost a year now. It was n't this way when we got married 2 years back, but he was busy with work then and a change in job seemed like a welcome relief but I guess I did n't think things through. There are days when I feel I'm totally in sync with the routine but then there are days when I feel miserable cooking for one, being by myself on the weekdays. I'd moved to the US after I got married and hence, still have n't developed good enough of a friends' circle. I am in the process of job hunting, wrapping up with grad school but I still find myself wishing he did n't have to be travelling every week. I miss the dinners together - he calls up every night, but I hate talking over the phone. We both leave it on speaker for close to an hour, at times we talk, at times we just carry on with work. I fear losing the connection between us if this goes on.
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