Hey Ladies -
As I'm developing the concept of A Weekend Wives Club, I'm basing my direction on what I need as a "weekend wife." But I'm wondering, what do you need? Many of you have been so great to write and express relief at not being alone in your situation. But what do you need from this blog? Are there issues you'd specifically like to see addressed? In a perfect world, I'd have this set up like other chat sites with forums and profiles, etc. But I'm not a web guru, so this is what I have for now.
I'm asking because it seems like traffic has been slow on the blog recently, and I'm wondering if there's something you're missing. My goal for the blog was really to encourage many to write in their thoughts and feelings about things. I think that's the best way to advance our "cause" as weekend wives and create a network in which we help eachother. Reading my blogging on about my life only has to get old eventually, and I'd much rather include your thoughts and experiences.
Anyway - that's what's on my mind tonight - trying to get this thing moving and shaking - and I can't do it without you!