So - after steaming a little since I got home Sunday night, I finally sat down with my husband tonight for a heart to heart. It just bothered me how much of a mess he makes and how he doesn't seem to notice when I pick up after him.
The problem comes down to this ... he responds to me in the way he would need to be responded to. I treat him the way I wish to be treated. He doesn't need all the thank you's or recognition that I need from him - so therefore he doesn't offer it to me. I NEED to know that he notices when I'm working extra hard to help out around the house. Right now, he has soooo much going on. His day job is crazy, and he's involved in some business endeavors outside of work that are very stressful. I get that he has little emotional or physical energy left after everything is done. It comes down to me just needing a thank you.
So - he says he's going to try harder. And he just needs me to be understanding of everything that's going on. Sounds fair to me. I just want to conquor these issues. The #1 thing we fight over is house responsibilities. If we can master this, it will simplify things a lot.
On a COMPLETELY unrelated note - I ran into Bon Jovi today. I work at a TV station and there is also a radio station in the office building. So I'm entering the elevator, and he walks out. I'm such a bonehead I didn't realize it was him until he'd walked into the studio. Once I got my wits about me, I alerted my friends in the newsroom and we got our picture taken with me. For the record, his arm WAS around my waste. ahhhhhh
Yum... Bon Jovi! That just totally made my day!
Score one for you on seeing Bon Jovi! ;)
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